Supercharge your retail hiring
Hubert automatically interviews candidates as they apply and creates an instant shortlist for the manager. Less recruitment work - Better hiring results
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Go from application to shortlist to hire in minutes
Keeping low barriers and acting fast to secure great candidates are the keys to hiring success. By using Hubert you don't have to choose between speed and quality
Adapt candidate supply to demand in an instant
Staff turnover and seasonal changes can make recruitment needs hard to estimate. Hubert makes it possible to scale up your hiring in an instant.
Reduce time spent on screening
In the busy world of the store manager, there are many tasks to handle in the day-to-day. With Hubert, you can save 85% of time spent on candidate screening without sacrificing quality.
Instantly engage candidates as they apply
Hubert conducts a personalized and fun interview with every candidate and ensures a great experience irrespective of application volumes. The interview can be taken at any time and place through any smartphone, desktop, or tablet and measures hard/soft skills, motivation, previous experience, and relevant competencies.
Provide an unbiased and inclusive process
Let all candidates express themselves freely and explain in their own words why they are right for the job. The evaluation is based on the responses and doesn't take gender, ethnicity, nationality, or other irrelevant factors into consideration.
Adapt candidate supply to demand in an instant
Staff turnover and seasonal changes can make recruitment needs hard to estimate. Hubert makes it possible to scale up your hiring in an instant.
Reduce time spent on screening
In the busy world of the store manager, there are many tasks to handle in the day-to-day. With Hubert, you can save 85% of time spent on candidate screening without sacrificing quality.
Instantly engage candidates as they apply
Hubert conducts a personalized and fun interview with every candidate and ensures a great experience irrespective of application volumes. The interview can be taken at any time and place through any smartphone, desktop, or tablet and measures hard/soft skills, motivation, previous experience, and relevant competencies.
Provide an unbiased and inclusive process
Let all candidates express themselves freely and explain in their own words why they are right for the job. The evaluation is based on the responses and doesn't take gender, ethnicity, nationality, or other irrelevant factors into consideration.
Pre employment assessments that are fast, accurate and bias-free.
Move from slow, manual processes to pre-vetted shortlists with candidates ready to take the next step.
Streamline your process
The Hubert interview effectively combines all the data that is normally collected from knock-out questions, CV screening, and telephone interviews into one single user-friendly chat interview that is automatically scored.
Michael Månsson, CEO
ICA Kvantum Helsingborg
“Not only has Hubert helped me find talent and hire faster. I was surprised by the quality of the candidates Hubert delivered. I’m not interviewing any candidates anymore before they’ve taken the Hubert interview. I like the fact that all applicants are treated equally. I can make decisions based on data and experience, not just feelings.”
Stay fair no matter the application volume
Enjoy all the advantages of structured interviews without the scaling issues
Quickly find reliable quality personnel that stays
By incorporating Hubert, unwanted turnover has been proven to decrease by 50% on average
Top tier candidate experience
The Hubert interview effectively combines all the data that is normally collected from knock-out questions, CV screening, and telephone interviews into one single user-friendly chat interview that is automatically scored.
Give us a call
General inquiries
Swedish office
Vasagatan 28, 111 20 Stockholm, Sweden
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