Why automation often leads to a better candidate experience
December 13, 2022
Viktor Nordmark
To lean into tools that automate existing hiring procedures can feel scary for those who use them. Thoughts of, “will this AI take my job?” “Will I not be needed?” are normal reactions to tools that do your job faster and more efficiently. At the same time, we also have the fear of how candidates will react; will they be appalled because they’re greeted by a bot and not a human?
In a people-centered undertaking, such as recruitment, what happens when human connection is transferred further down the recruitment funnel? With this article, we’ll mitigate these fears and give you insight into why automation makes the candidate experience better for the candidate.
Automation as a tool, not a foe

If you learn to leverage automation to your advantage, you will quickly reap its benefits. For example, Instead of copy-pasting the same old job ad, you can take help from ChatGPT and get new inspiration for a great job ad in little to no time. Automation provides efficiency by removing tasks that otherwise would require your time and/or money. The amount you choose to invest in automation will often pay off in a matter of months, considering how much time you’ll be able to spend on other, more valuable tasks. 

What is considered a great candidate experience?

All in all, it’s an experience that is positive and enjoyable for the job applicant. This includes things like timely communication and feedback from the recruiter, a clear and concise job description, and a smooth, efficient application process. Other factors contributing to a great candidate experience include a positive company culture, transparency about the company and the role, and a welcoming and professional demeanor from the recruiter. Ultimately, a great candidate experience leaves the applicant feeling valued and respected and encourages them to apply for future opportunities with the company even if they did not get the job.

How can the candidate experience be improved with automation?

With automation, it is possible to engage all candidates in a quick, personal, and professional way to make sure they get a great first impression. Automation can also help ensure that all candidates are treated fairly and consistently, improving the overall perception of the recruitment process.

Several types of automation tools can lead to a better candidate experience. Choose a tool for your most pressing need. 

Examples of automation tools: 

FAQ-Chatbots: These are automated conversational agents that can help candidates learn more about job opportunities and the application process. Chatbots can provide instant answers to common questions such as salary and benefits. It can also help candidates navigate the recruitment website or application process.

Video interviewing platforms: These tools allow candidates to participate in remote interviews conducted by bots. It’s a more convenient and flexible option for candidates and can help organizations expand their talent pools by reaching candidates who are not located nearby.

Resume parsing software: an automation tool that can help organizations quickly and accurately extract information from resumes, making it easier to structure, review and compare different applications. This can save time and effort and help organizations make more informed hiring decisions.

Conversational screening AI: Hubert, for example, conducts structured text-based screening interviews with every applicant. After the interview, Hubert provides a shortlist of the most suitable candidates. By taking a quick look at the shortlist, you’ll know who you should contact and move forward with. Candidates who don’t fit the employers’ criteria will be notified immediately during the interview.

A Hubert Guide  Recruiting science: The structured interview – A high volume hiring approach  How does the structured interview compare to other screening methods? And how  can technology enable all candidates to be interviewed in high-volume settings?  Download Guide
Why automate the candidate experience?

During a manual hiring process, 5-10% of all candidates will get an interview. With that said, 90-95% are kicked out early, which is a blow to the candidate’s confidence. They’re seldom given an explanation as to why they didn’t get an interview, which can lead to feelings of resentment, making them less likely to contact you the next time you post a job. Not only that, for future opportunities, you might want to connect with them because they’re perfect for a role, but from the candidate’s point of view, the relationship is already flawed, and they’re less likely to be excited about your proposal. 

A good candidate experience is all about building relationships, and what are relationships? Partly, it’s a beautiful act of balancing and managing expectations. The candidate wants to feel seen, heard, and given the correct information at the right time. By living up to that, you increase your chances of being able to hire someone that didn’t make it the first time the next time. 

Managing expectations becomes a whole lot easier when you use an automated process. If you would use an automation tool that conducts initial screening interviews (such as Hubert), 100% of the candidates are invited to be interviewed. Which makes for a more personalized and human-centered experience; why? Because every single candidate has been given the same chance, and they feel like they’ve had a say in their future, they haven’t been discarded because their resume and past experiences were suboptimal; no, on the contrary, they’ve been considered, and treated equally despite that. It might sound like a small thing, but imagine all the people you get in contact with during a high-volume hiring process; you could burn hundreds of bridges by having an inadequate candidate experience. 

A Hubert E-book  The next generation of candidate selection for volume hiring  Challenges in high volume hiring needs to be tackled in a deliberate way. Thus  is a guide on how to best handle the screening step Download E-book
Implementation period
Why automation often leads to a better candidate experience
December 13, 2022
Viktor Nordmark
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